Here we go again

Missionary Training School has begun! Its been a busy two weeks as our students came in from all over the nation, and some directly from other nations such as India and Costa Rica. Its been neat for me as staff to watch the students begin to learn, grow and experience the same things I did not even one year ago. MTS changed my life in outrageous ways, I am confident it will do the same for these students.

THe girls and I decided we were going to get ot know our neighbors by baking cookies and deliveing them with notes of encouragement to each door in our building. Through this we met 2 Pakistani families who are Muslims, a Hispanic couple, and a couple white girls who are teachers and very interested in refugee ministry. It was awesome to be able to connect with our neighbors and shock them with good ole fashion kindness. We have been able to continue dialogue and nearly friendship with our Pakistani Muslim neighbors. They have a 16year old daughter who we are excited to befriend and love!

I am beginning to realize more and more how unusual it is for the Christian church to reach out and help the nations. I spent some time in a Vitenamese bakery and talked to a lady who worked there and all she could help but ask me 12 times, " Why you so nice????" My friendliness was confusing and rare as an American. As I attend different churches and ask them what they are doing to reach the nations for Christ, I get blank stares or discouraging words. One pastor straight out told us that its absolutely impossible to reach people of other cultures. We just need to pay indigenous poeople to do it all. Today I went to class that wasted 1 hour teaching on how the AntiChrist will be Muslim. This teaching reinforced every stereotype and fear tactic for Islam that there is, and preached a message of hatred and enmity. What is wrong CHURCH!!! What are we doing??? God's heart is for the nations. He says he will give us the nations for our inheiritance if we ask. We should be the first ones welcoming new refugees to the States, the first ones to go next door and give cookies to our Muslim neighbors, the first ones to reach out to the Bhutanes and help English. Where is the LOVE??? I challenge you to go outside your comfort zone today and talk to someone who is different than you and then learn from that person!

This week we are heading out to Freedom Camp in Galveston for a 3 day fast. Please pray for me and our students as we will be seeking the Lord and going deeper with HIm. Pray for God to reveal Himself and His holiness to us.


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