The Joy of Christmas

It's Christmastime! Its the most wonderful time of the year!  This is a season I have just fallen more and more in love with over the years. I have always enjoyed the festivities of the holiday yet my level of enjoyment increased dramatically after beginning to date Dan during the holidays in 2008. Now every year since then I can fondly think of the memories of us just getting to know each other. I remember the nerves and excitement that came with each moment together, watching Christmas movies, going to see Christmas lights, and skiing. I had no idea what our future would hold but there was something incredibly intriguing about being around this man. Then in 2010, my excitement about the holidays heightened once again as Dan got down on one knee in front of a beautiful 40ft Christmas Tree and asked me to be his wife. I look back to that year and remember the elation at the real prospect of beginning a life forever with him and entering into this very new and very exciting stage of life. 
Last year at this time, I was grateful more than ever to be able to make more blessed memories with my friends and family. I clung to this joyful holiday as there was so much grief and heartache that flooded my emotions on a daily basis. Christmas was a bit of relief from those fresh tragic memories where I could focus on the jubilant lighthearted ones.  
Christmas has become a season of joyous memories in my life. I look forward to this holiday with such anticipation every year.   As I look back over the years and I reflect on all of these feelings and emotions and how they've gotten stronger each year, it is more than just happy memories that makes me love this holiday. I have fallen in love with Christmas more each year because I have fallen in love with Christ more each year. 

My heart is filled with wonder when I read John 1.  In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 

God chose to come to earth and take on himself humanity in all its flaws and imperfections so that we could be redeemed and reconciled to him. He demonstrated his amazing and unconditional love for us as he entered this world and walked among mankind. I am in awe as my brain tries with futility to fully comprehend this great act of mercy and grace. So regardless of the earthly memories that I have, the recognition that the Messiah has come to earth is truly something to celebrate. May we not forget the miracle that this truly is and the testament of the amazing grace of our Savior. This year as I anticipate the arrival of my own child in the coming year, I can praise God that He is a God,who in despite of all the suffering and evil in this world, is still there demonstrating his love and goodness to us. This is what draws me to Christmas. Its a reminder that in all of this darkness and grief, there is good. The birth of Jesus was quiet and unnoticed by so many at the time, however at that moment the hope that the world had been waiting for became a reality. This is what Jesus offered as he walked on this earth. He is life and peace offered to all who receive. May Christ be the reason for your JOY this Christmas. 


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