Do you feel it?

Can you feel it?? The mountains are trembling....THe Spirit is moving! I truly feel the presence of the Lord and am confident that He is shaking up the earth and beginning a revival... I'd like to believe thats its all starting here in Houston, Texas. All i know is that God is doing small things that are leading to big things all around me....
Here is a brief update of whats happening around my neck of the woods.
We have had several opportunities over the past few weeks to help with Refugee Services of Texas. We have been able to set up apartments for refugees that are coming to the states straight from refugee camps. This includes building beds, setting up kitchens, stocking refrigerators, bathrooms, and bedrooms. Its a great way for us to help out where needed. The students have started a weekly Bible study for Bhutanese Youth. Pastor Abraham, the pastor of the Bhutanese church here, asked them to take over and lead and disciple the young people of his church. This is a very exciting ministry that has a lot of potential.
My roommates and I have been able to continue to develop relationships with many of our neighbors, including a family who are Ismaili Muslims from Pakistan. They attend mosque daily. I have a lot to learn from them and am excited to share Christ with them as well. Our downstairs Venezuelan neighbors invited us to a birthday party last week. It was a great way to build our relationship with them and share more about what we are doing here. I also got to practice my spanish for an entire evening.

On Saturday, I was able to reunite with some short term participants from my summer internships. It had been over 2 years since I had seen The Korean Prebysterian Church of Houston. They took me to a part of Chinatown and ordered me a plethora of authentic Korean food that was amazing. I learned more about Korean culture while making numerous mistakes. They were excited about what GFM is doing in the area, and hopefully we will be able to partner with them in outreach.

Last week, David and Dan went to a training put on by the Keystone Project. Its a group dedicated to a movment of disciple making. Because of this, I was put in charge of Missionary Training School. Somehow they trusted me to teach on Spiritual Gifts and abilities. It was fun to watch the students dive into the Word and seek God on their specific callings and holy discontents. It was a great week for God to reaffirm His calling on my life to be right where I am working with refugees and unreached people groups.

Personally, this week has been crazy. My faith is being tested for sure. We had a rash outbreak in our apartment where 3 out of the 4 of us girls have had a horrible rash that has spread all over. We have gone to the doctor but noone could officially diagonose us. We each got a shot and are on meds for a week. Please pray for healing over all of us!! I have also found out that my car is having problems and will need fixed asap. God has been good and is faithfully providing. Please pray for continued financial support.

I am so overwhelmed with the goodness of God. As I look around me and meet people who have no idea that there is a God who desires a personal relationship with them, I realize what a miracle it truly is to commune with Jehovah. How often do we revel in the fact that we can come to the throne of ALmighty God under the Blood of the Lamb? I could write about this for hours, but I will bring it this update to a close.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Until the Whole World hears...


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