Finding Purpose in Pain: A List of Miracles

As I have looked back on my experiences over the past few months, I see a lot of pain and heartache. I felt emotions I never could have imagined. However I also feel so incredibly blessed that I was able to find so many purposes for this pain. So many people experience great tragedies in their lives and never get to see the good that God is creating out of it. This was not true for me. Within hours, while I was still in the emergency room, I could begin to understand that God was going to use this incident for something bigger and greater.

In the beginning, I was astounded by how many miracles happened both physically and spiritually.  I was encouraged by friends to record all of these moments so that I may hold tightly to them on the days it was much harder to trust that things were going to be alright. My journal pages kept filling up as the miracles continued to come. There are still so many days where I must go to these pages for encouragement and a renewal of trust in God. Isaiah 46:9 says " Remember the things I have done in the past; for I alone am God! I am God and there is none like me." 
 I also knew that one day I would share these miracles with others so that they might see the goodness of our Lord as well. Today is that day. Here is how I found purpose in my pain.......

The Physical Miracles

  • I didn't lose consciousness during the assault at all. The doctors asked me numerous times if I was sure of this. They said with the amount of trauma to my head it was a miracle that I stayed conscious, but praise God I did. I believe I wouldn't have survived if I had.
  • I was able to think rationally and plan a way to escape.
  • Both of my hands and arms went through a window during my escape. I should have had some serious and dangerous cuts. Fortunately all I needed were a few stitches in one finger. It could have been so much worse.
  • I was actually able to run away with full capabilities from my attacker. After the attack I couldn't even walk normally for  a week. 
  • Despite all the trauma to my face, the only broken bone I suffered was my nose. The doctors were almost sure that my jaw was broken, however my God's grace it wasn't. 
  • All of my many bruises and wounds were healed in miraculous timing. The nurses told me I wouldn't look "normal" again for at least two weeks. They also had told me that the bruising and swelling would get worse in the next couple days. My bruises NEVER got worse and healed amazingly fast. I was looking normal again within the week. It was definitely supernatural. 
  • I tested negative for HIV and all other diseases. Halelujah!
  • My attacker was apprehended the same day and is in jail now. Fortunately the other girl he attacked wasn't harmed and was reunited with her family.
  • I was able to give a clear testimony to the police and identify my attacker correctly. 
The Spiritual Miracles/ Purposes
  • During my attack, God gave me such a boldness to share Jesus love with the man in spite of his abuse.
  • Also during the attack, I felt the presence of God with me like I have never felt before. A peace washed over me and even allowed me to sing praises in the midst of it all. 
  • The entire day in the emergency room I felt so much strength and peace. I was able to share the Gospel to all of the staff that were working on me. 
  • Dan and I both felt forgiveness for my attacker right away. There was never a feeling of vengeance of hatred that came over us for this man. This can only come from the Holy Spirit.
  • So many of my friends who don't follow Jesus heard the gospel message through this and some have responded with a desire to know more. 
  • The body of Christ united around us. People from all across the world came to our aid with letters, cards, gifts, flowers, and most importantly prayers. I have never felt so blessed by the outpouring of love upon us. 
  • My marriage has been strengthened as Dan and I are learning more about our love for each other and God through this. 
  • I have been receiving Biblical counseling each week and its been an amazing journey of growing in my faith and in reading the scriptures. 

These are just some of the many blessings that Dan and I have experienced. We hold to these things when doubt clouds our view so that we may trust in our Almighty sovereign King. 


  1. His plan is flawless, His grace is always greater, great is His faithfulness. Please continue to be encouraged--you are a blessing and conqueror through Christ. <3 Nyla (Johnson) James, classmate of Nicole's briefly at CBA


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