Refugee Love
Recently we
were over at a family from Sudan's house. Through a ministry call LifeCycles we were able to provide a bicyle for their 10 year old boy. Within minutes of being given a bike, he went and got his old broken bike and gave it to his friend who lives nearby. This broke my heart. What a concept. He had been blessed and without thinnking knew that it was his turn to pay it forward and bless someone else. If only the American church could think like this 10 year old Sudanese boy. How the world would be changed and God would get so much glory.
I am daily humbled by the lives and actions of refugee families. They weekly invite us into their homes, feed us and care for us despite having little to nothing to actually give. They remind me of the woman in the Bible who gives so little, yet gives all she had and is recognized by Jesus. Compared to the rich men who give so much, but keep so much as well.
I think it's so ironic that I came here to be a blessing to Refugees but ultimately they are the ones who teach me and show me what Love and sacrifice really mean.
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