The New Chapter Begins...

So I made it to Sugar Land, TX!! On Thursday July 1st Dan and I set out on the open highway and headed south to embark on the next adventure that God has called us to. We were very excited to be on the way to the life we had been praying about and anticipating for almost 6 months now. Our way there was filled with problems as my poor car was not used to driving such long distances in the heat, however God was good and kept it running all the way through. I also ended up losing my new cell phone at a rest area in Oklahoma. I believe that These things upon a few others were ways that the enemy was trying to attack and discourage us. I took this as a good sign, if the enemy is feeling threatened, God must have some amazing things ahead for us!
We made it to Ft Worth on Thurs night really late and stayed with my sister Jessica and her husband for 2 nights. It was great time to catch up and spend with my family, but by Saturday we were ready to get to our final destination and new home. We pulled into 5555 New Territory Blvd in SugarLand, Texas on Saturday afternoon. We had a great big welcoming committtee of former, present and future GFM'ers. It was ablessing to have them help us move in!

On Sunday, our friends and us decided to check out a church in the area called Sugar Land Family Church. They were extremely welcoming to us and connected us with nearly the entire church. I was also able to connect with the ESL program they have at their church. We will continue looking at churches in the area but God blessed us with a great start.

Today I was digging into the Word and God brought me to Jeremiah. Jer 1 :7 says " But the Lord said to me, Do not say I am only a youth for all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever i command you, you shall speak. Vs 9 goes on to say, Behold I have put MY words into Your mouth. THis was encouraging to me because so often I put the pressure on my self to accomplish the Lords ministry. He is constantly reminding me, He will accomplish His ministry with or without me, but if I decide to be a part of this work he will use me for his glory. It is HIS words that he will give to me. Jeremiah was young but God gave him powerful words to tell Israel. He didnt have to be classically trained or study for years, he just had to submit to the Spirit of God and realize its not his own doing. Paul says that "I must decrease so that He may increase". This was God's challenge to me this morning and now I hope you let it challenge you. Please continue to lift me up in prayer as God begins to open doors to reach those who have never heard of his saving grace!


  1. Love ya girl, and love this post. I'm glad to hear you are settling in and God is leading you instead of you pulling on his arm into the direction you desire.


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