Help My Unbelief

Is all this really worth it? Is it worth all this pain and heartbreak? Is it worth my broken marriage and family? Is it worth all the loneliness and fear? What if my battle with PTSD and anxiety never go away, is that worth it? Is there actual purpose to all of this chaos and brokenness? God, where are you redeeming any of it? I read your word and follow your will, yet do you actually sincerely care for me and my situation right now? Are you even listening with compassionate ears? Is this just some cruel test you are giving me? How am I supposed to keep living this way? Let me be honest, I am regretful to say that all of these thoughts and questions were coming from me just two weeks ago. In the quietness of the midnight hour, I sat alone at my kitchen table staring blankly into my She Reads Truth Bible with tears streaming down my face. I "knew" all the right answers. For goodness sake, I have 2 Corinthians 4:17 taped to my bathroo...