We Need Each Other

This morning I received a text message from my mother asking me to pray for a missionary family who lives near my hometown. She said yesterday, Valentine's Day, a man came into their house and shot and killed the wife and mother of three young children. I immediately was crushed and heartbroken. Such a tragedy! I understand that God is sovereign and in control of all things, but sometimes its difficult to grasp when things like this happen. My thoughts immediately went to when I was attacked. This story could easily have been my story. I began to question God. Why didn't the man who attacked me bring a gun? Why was I allowed to survive such an ordeal but this mother of three young children was not? Emotions overwhelmed me, and I began to think about the pain that this family must be going through today. What will bring them peace? My mind was all over the place this morning but finally God rested it in these thoughts....