What Lies Ahead....

Buenas Tardes Amigos! I am writing this blog update to share with you what has been happening in my life and what is to come. As most of you know I have been in Oaxaca for the last 7 months of so studying missions. This was the most incredible experience of my life which I am so very grateful for. Through this experience God fueled my passion for missions and reaffirmed to me that this is my calling. In Ephesians 4, it tells us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called. I have been called to a life of missions, and I cannot imagine doing anything else. This leads me to WHAT is next for Ashley Ballard. God has laid it on my heart to go on staff as a full time missionary with Global Frontier Missions (the same organization I have been with in Mexico). Our vision is for the unreached people groups of the world. There are still 1.4 billion people in this world who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire to see these people come to the knowledge...